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DHV Odense vs Nordenskov UIF volley

Small game report from the game of today.

Today on the program, our first of 3 away games.
Thanks to Michaels 'Automobiler' we were able to drive to the match in 2 vans. 
We arrived well on time in Odense, but there was a ladies game in front of us. Because of the game before us, our game was starting at 14:15.
The line up for today almost the same as last week. Only Jonas Foldager was the libero on the court and Lars was playing in the black game shirt today.
Line up: Billy, Fraser, Johan, Mateusz, Patrick & Max + libero Jonas.
Billy started well focused on the game. Played immediately with Johan though the middle and afterwards he was serving till 0-5.
We didn't played our best volleyball, but the team was playing well organised in block/defence. 
A lot of block touches and digs on the court, be patient to score the point. This was resulting in the score 11-16, 13-21. The outside players Patrick, Fraser and Mateusz were scoring the points. 
After a serve ace from Patrick, the first set was ours 15-25.

Same line up in the second set. Again a well focused team on the court. 
We were leading 6-8, but Odense was playing with a good attitude. They keep on fighting till 12-12. When Fraser was coming on the serve line, we made a new gap with Odense. Johan was scoring the overpass, 2 attack mistakes and a ace from Fraser were leading us to 12-17.
Mateusz was scoring solid points for the team and with 2 first tempo balls of Max we were leading comfortable 16-23,16-24.
With a serve mistake from Odense we were leading 17-25 & 0-2

Set 3 was a copy paste start from set 1. A great side out and serves from Billy till 0-6.
Never in the 3rd set we came into troubles. Solid side out game and good serving pressure were bringing us to 2-8 and 10-16. 
Lars replaced Fraser in the back court to take some extra points in defence and also Jeppe played on the serve line. Set 3 we won with 18-25.

A really good start of the season with 6 out of 6. Next Friday the difficult away game in Vestsjaelland. We will try to do our best to win some points again.

Nordenskov: Greber, Garret, Rosenfeld, Sniezek, Ross, Tveit and Folgader
Came in: Nielsen, Rov and Helsinghoff
Mandag 10 Oct 2022 - Peder Foldager
Vist: 1535 gange