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A new home game

and a new victory and again 3 points extra.

A new home game, a new victory and again 3 points extra.


Sunday 6th of November, the nr 3 from last season is coming to Nordenskov. 

After 5 games, we won 3 and lost 2 games. 10 points. ASV Elite won 2 games and lost 2 and have 6 points.


The team had a good training week and we had some time to give some rest for small injuries.

Line up for today: Billy, Fraser, Max, Mateusz, Patrick, Johan and libero's Jonas and Lars.


A serve error and a attack mistake from Aarhus and we were leading 2/0. Patrick put the ball over the block for 5/2 and spike diagonal 6/2. Billy was dividing the game very secure 8-6.Mateusz with several points and Fraser with a sharp diagonal 16-10. Mateusz wins our block for 18/12. Suddenly, Max asked immediately for a substitution. ASV Elite took some advantage from it and come back till 18/16 after some spike errors from the team. You see that our team is growing. We played again mature and keep our heads calm. Mateusz with a strong spike for 20/18. Patrick with a shot for 23/19 and Mateus with the ace 25/19.


Set 2 with Soren on the court in place of Max. Billy with good serves and Fraser with the block out 3/2. Kill block from Mateusz and Johan 4/2, Great serve from Fraser 5/2 and a tip in from Patrick 6/2. Ace from Johan 9/3 and a first TO for Aarhus. Soren and Billy with the block for 12/5. Soren with a smart play for 13/6. Soren for 19/11 with a spike. 2 Kill blocks from Mateusz for 21-11. 

We started to make some small mistakes, lack of concentration? Aarhus came back to 21-16 but Patrick smashed the ball on the ground. and Soren brings set 2 home.


In set 3 Aarhus started at the same level as in the end of set 2. Equal levels resulted in equal scores 8/7. With Soren on the serve line and blocks from Johan and Fraser we make a first gap 11/7. Some messy rallies on both side, but we keep to manage our gap of 4 points 19/15. A kill block from Billy and we have a first game ball 24-19. Fraser makes a end of the game 25-19.


A special mention for our 2 libero's Jonas and Lars. You don't see them making points, but they are very priceless for the team. Both are working hard in the back court to bring a balance in the team. 


Next Monday we play a new TV game.

A game in between the nr 2 Ikast and nr 3 NUIF in the ranking. Both with 13 points, but Ikast have more winning games.

Monday 14/11/2022 - 18u30 Ikast Volley Rams - Nordenskov UIF

Torsdag 10 Nov 2022 - Peder Foldager
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